App Settings

Here you can find detailed explanation about App Settings

There are Ambient Variables, such as Database Connection, that are equivalent in App Settings. In case that both of them are set. The project will respect the Ambient Variables first.

SSO Settings


The project use only one Database and all projects use the same Connection String name “SSOConnection”


There are two options to provide CertificateOptions.

  • File - You need to provide
    • FileName: Entire path of certificate
    • FilePassword: Password of certificate
  • Store - You need to provide KeyStoreIssuer. The certificate is search by X509FindType.FindByIssuerName. (Good option for Azure SSL)
  • Environment - Will look into Env Var ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path and ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password to locate the certificate and it pass.
  • Temporary - It will create an auto signed Certificate. Use only on dev’s environment.


E-mail settings to provide the capabilities to send e-mail after a new user and reset link.


With these settings the SSO can provide External login.

To take token settings from Google, get docs here

To take from Facebook, see docs here


These settings will be overrided by Environment Variables, if set.

Ambient Variables
Variable Value Description
Authority https://localhost:5000 The path Url of SSO
UserManagementURL http://localhost:4200 The path Url of User Management UI after published
IS4AdminUi http://localhost:4300 The path Url of Admin UI
ResourceServerURL https://localhost:5003 The path Url of Management API
DatabaseType MySql or SqlServer Which database will be used.

User Management API


The project use only one Database and all projects use the same Connection String name “SSOConnection”


If user send his profile picture, then the project will upload it to Azure Blob container, so these options must be set.

To get more info how to take Key, see docs here


E-mail settings to provide the capabilities to send e-mail after a new user and reset link.


Need to provide the DatabaseType.

This settings will be override by Environment Variables if set.

User Management UI

environment files

To change settings from UI, you need to open environment file. Located at src/environment.

UI Variables
Variable Description
GoogleClientId Same from ApplicationSettings, the UI use this to take user info while is registering himself.
FacebookClientId Same from ApplicationSettings, the UI use this to take user info while is registering himself.
ResourceServer Base Url from User Management API
IssuerUri Base Url from SSO
RequireHttps True if IsuerUri has a HTTPS.
Uri Final URL of App.

Admin UI

environment files

To change settings from UI, you need to open environment file. Located at src/environment.

UI Variables
Variable Description
ResourceServer Base Url from User Management API
IssuerUri Base Url from SSO
RequireHttps True if IsuerUri has a HTTPS.
Uri Final URL of App.